Tuesday, December 1, 2009

yikes...time flies!!!

Where did the last 2 months go?!?! My apologies to anyone who's started reading my blog since I haven't been posting as consistently as I'd like. My goal is at least a once weekly blog post starting immediately! I've been extremely busy lately, filling my days to the max. Overall, it's been a good thing, but i can sure stand to slow down a bit! Stay tuned over the next few days as I'll be posting what's been going on the past few months as well as my goals for December.

Happy December!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Change Your Routine!

Recently, I've decided to step back and take a look at things. For those of you steeped in yoga philosophy, it's known as svadhyaya (self-study). Lately, everything has become routine and somewhat boring for me. I dislike those phases when you feel like you're on "autopilot", but that's the way I've been feeling. So I decided to alter some things in my daily routine.

First on the list was yoga. Due to my erratic work schedule, I've noticed that I have attended classes with many of the same teachers. When i've practiced yoga at home, I've been more or less doing the same routine. Also, although I alter each class I teach, I've noticed that each class has been very similar lately.

How do we slip into autopilot? But more importantly, when that happens, are we able to recognize it and do we have the tools in place to slip out of that routine? I'm lucky to be surrounded by lots of peers who do not live on autopilot and they're all vivacious and fascinating people. They keep me in check and their fresh perspectives allow me to get myself out of a rut before it becomes a habit.

If you find yourself slipping into autopilot on a regular basis, take a few moments for svadhyaya (self-study). Look at your daily routines. Is there anything that you can slightly alter...a new route to work, waking up a little earlier for yoga, meditation, or journal writing before you start your day? Think of easy, no cost (or low cost) changes to your normal day. Sometimes these are enough to gain a fresh perspective. Sometimes we may also need to take a look at our friends/acquaintances. Do we feel energized after spending time with them, or do we feel drained? Are we surrounded by positive people, or Debbie Downer's and Negative Nancy's?
I think it's really important to periodically step aside and take a look at these things. All of us are presented with choices throughout our journey. From those choices, are we evolving or regressing?

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Recently, I purchased a Vita-Mix. Although it's pricy, I now find it a very necessary kitchen item! If you are currently struggling to get enough vegetables in your daily diet, you may want to look into the Vita-Mix. As I experiment more with the vitamix, I will be sure to blog about my experiences!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

alternative medicine 101

As I've mentioned in my first post, my "day job" (although it's mostly evening hours!) is as a pharmacist. Over the years, I've become more and more interested in alternative health medicine. As a result, I've taken numerous classes and workshops on various subjects such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine (specifically Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs).  Last year I received my certification in Holistic Health Counseling. I'm also a yoga instructor.  I went through the 200hr certification and I'm currently working on my 500hr certification. 
Last week I went to a lecture titled Alternative Medicine 101.  While I didn't learn a whole lot that I hadn't already read about and studied, I found that lecture very valuable to me.  It reminded me how much more I still wanted to learn!  Over the next year I hope to take classes in Acupressure,  Reflexology, and Herbology.   I also hope to eventually deepen my studies in Ayurveda.  I never get tired of being a student! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

first blog post!

Welcome to my first blog post! I'm Zell...actually my name is Hilary. I'm a pharmacist, yoga instructor and holistic health counselor. Join me as I enter a new phase in my life and delve into various aspects of health, fitness and wellness. Mixing in my love of athletics, music, travel and fashion, I hope to have a well-rounded, informative, and most of all, fun blog for like minded (future) online peers! Stay tuned as I plan to tweak things over the next couple of weeks!
