Friday, January 22, 2010

2010 GOALS

I'd like to post my 2010 goals. However, considering my word for 2010 is Kaizen, maybe goals isn't the appropriate word. Just know that the term goals is used loosely. My list does not include any lofty goals, but rather, fun steps along the way. Maybe I should incorporate a "decade's goals" list and have that be my dream goals. hmmm....something to think about! well, here goes:

1. travel more
2. commit to 3-4 yoga classes per week & continue to practice at home
3. art dates/art nights: at least 1 per month. I've realized that I NEED creativity in my life and this is the easiest & most fun way to schedule it.
4. re-introduce morning pages. my journaling is somewhat sporadic, so bringing back morning pages (from the artist's way) so it becomes a habit again.
5. blog regularly. starting out once/week, then twice a week, and by the end of the year, daily from monday-friday.
6. give more health counseling workshops
7. take private yoga sessions. there are a few areas i've been working on in my own yoga practice and since i've never taken a private, this would be a great way to customize and deepen my practice!
8. learn pilates
9. add meditation and pranayama workshops to my "seasonal to-do's" list
10. explore medical writing. I've just joined the american medical writers association, so i plan to complete some certifications this year, then hopefully do some freelance medical writing.
11. personal/group training certification. i'm toying with the idea of taking a break from my pharmacy life and having a more freelance kind of life. Since health, fitness, and spirituality are my passions, this would be a perfect certification to have.
12. game nights- i miss playing games! it was one of my favorite things to do as a child/young adult and i hope to incorporate that in my life this year.

This list will be my template & I plan to return to this list throughout the year to update/adjust as needed. I'll have to admit that this was a scary blog post for me because I normally keep my goals to myself. However, I think this is a great way to make these goals accountable.

Be well!

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